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Brawlbin is a 509ha sprawling farm on the shores of Loch Calder. Brawlbin sits within an extraordinary landscape that is renowned for its special wetland habitats and endangered wildlife.

Conserving Breeding Waders

Bringing Habitats Back To Health

Creating Wildflower-Rich Habitats

Our vision
Our vision is that Brawlbin will greatly contribute to international, national, and regional targets to reverse the biodiversity crisis. Ensure that Brawlbin is a net sink for carbon by managing all semi-natural habitats into good condition and agreeing farming practices to achieve carbon neutral status. The holding sits within an extraordinary landscape that is renowned for its special habitats and wildlife. Many species found on agricultural ground here are rare, threatened or declining, including breeding waders, the great yellow bumblebee and twite. Good management at Brawlbin Farm will provide opportunities to demonstrate how biodiversity can be boosted through collaboration between private finance, conservationists, agriculturalists and the local farming community.

Curlew Conservation: Protecting the IUCN red-listed Bird of Conservation Concern
Caithness hosts one of the largest populations of breeding waders in the UK, due to its large expanses of open landscape, which provide birds with natural protection from predators, and the mosaic of wetlands, wet grasslands, bog and agricultural habitats found across the county. Our ongoing monitoring and management work at Brawlbin will safeguard this near threatened species.

Protecting one of the rarest British bumblebees
With expert advice, including from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, we aim to create new wildflower-rich strips on Brawlbin farm, which we hope will attract the rare great yellow bumblebee. Once more widespread across the UK, this species has recently been listed as a conservation priority under the national Species on the Edge project.

Special conservation efforts for red-listed species
Through annual monitoring of key habitats and species, our conservation work at Brawlbin will conserve and enhance the habitats that so many rare and protected species depend on for food and shelter. This includes conservation grazing for waders and the protection of wetlands around the south edge of Loch Calder for otters, water vole and wildfowl.
Restore Today, Flourish Tomorrow
At Brawlbin, we are focused on protecting endangered species and wetland habitat to lock up carbon and help nature to thrive. We also work on enhancing flower-rich habitats. Our projects aim to engage and benefit local communities while conserving the environment.
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Once we finish planting a forest we do the same thing again, and again, and again.
Hundreds of trees become thousands, thousands become millions. Millions of trees will have a significant impact on the climate crisis. This nature based approach is not the only solution to climate change, but it’s real, here now and already making a measurable difference to biodiversity and global C02 levels.
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