Nature-based carbon projects with integrity
Our nature-based carbon projects provide high-quality carbon units with transparency, traceability and authenticity, validated and audited by the Woodland Carbon Code and the Peatland Carbon Code.

What are carbon units?
A Woodland Carbon Unit (WCU) or Peatland Carbon Unit (PCU) represents one ton of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) that has been removed from the atmosphere by growing trees (WCU) or restoring peatland (PCU).
Their forerunner, Pending Issuance Units (PIUs), represent a ‘promise to deliver’ a WCU or a PCU during a given period.

Why invest in carbon projects?
Offsetting is not a silver bullet for climate change. However, investing in carbon projects can be a useful tool to support your business in addressing any unavoidable carbon emissions, once you have reduced emissions in other areas. Alongside this, investing in carbon units is a way of providing essential funding for vital climate-action projects.
How to reduce your carbon footprint
Get in touch
1. Calculate your carbon footprint
Firstly, use an online carbon calculator to work out your carbon footprint.

2. Reduce your emissions
Work on a strategy to reduce your emissions as much as possible within a set timeframe.

3. Invest in nature-based carbon units
Invest in nature-based carbon projects with The Future Forest Company to help address your unavoidable emissions.

Why invest in our nature-based carbon projects?
Partner with us, and your investment goes far beyond mitigating your excess carbon emissions. You’ll be safeguarding the forests of tomorrow, for future generations, and helping to safeguard biodiverse habitats that provide a host of benefits to nature and local communities.
We offer validated PIUs, which are conservation-grade UK carbon units with transparency, audited, traceable and authentic. We work closely with the Woodland Carbon Code and the Peatland Carbon Code to verify the carbon stored as a result of our projects.

Woodland Carbon Project: Dumyat, our award-winning reforestation project
Woodland carbon refers to carbon sequestered by a woodland and comes with a host of benefits, including biodiversity and habitat creation, flood prevention, and improvements to local air and water quality.
Our Dumyat site, is a treasured location in the Stirlingshire and Clackmannanshire landscape and won The Climate Change Champion Award at Scotland’s Finest Woods Awards 2023 for its contribution towards mitigating and responding to climate change.
We have planted over 340k trees at the site, mainly native broadleaf and native Scots pine, to sequester an estimated 80,000+ tonnes of carbon over the next one hundred years, as well as extending existing woodland habitat networks and enhancing biodiversity.

Why choose UK Woodland Carbon projects?
All our forests are registered and validated through the Woodland Carbon Code, the UK’s government-backed quality assurance standard, to ensure that high quality verified Woodland Carbon Units are produced.
Carbon units from our woodland creation projects are currently available as PIUs. A PIU is a Pending Issuance Unit, which means a ‘promise to deliver’ a WCU (Woodland Carbon Unit) in future. PIUs will be converted to WCUs every ten years as the woodlands grow and mature.
These are available as a blended vintage, as the PIUs will mature into WCUs at different times as the trees grow. All of our carbon projects and PIUs are listed on the S&P Global IHS Markit Registry, a secure Global Carbon and Environmental Meta-Registry.

Peatland Restoration Carbon Project: Swarthghyll, Yorkshire Dales
We are restoring degraded peatland on both our own and third-party sites. Peatland restoration and protection is vital in the fight against climate change due to the vast natural carbon storage properties of peatlands.
All of our peatland restoration projects are registered with The Peatland Code, the UK’s voluntary certification standard. Swarthghyll in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales was our first peatland restoration project.
With the support of Natural England and the Nature for Climate Grant Scheme, our team have restored 57.9ha of peatland. Across the projects lifetime (100years) this will result in the reduction of 9,499 tCO2e of emissions.

Why choose validated UK peatland carbon units?
Carbon units from our peatland restoration projects are validated by the Peatland Carbon Code, and are currently available for purchase as PIUs. These will be converted to PCUs (Peatland Carbon Units) every 10 years, as long as the peatland remains in good condition.
By signing up to the Peatland Carbon Code, the project is committed for the next 100 years, ensuring its continued monitoring and success long into the future.
The Peatland Carbon Code validates the PIUs and condition of the site in its first year, and then verifies the site 5 years after restoration has taken place, and then every 10 years thereafter.
Make your impact today
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Invest in Carbon Units
Partner with us, and your investment goes far beyond mitigating your excess carbon emissions. Speak to our team to discover plans and ways to invest.

Plant Trees
From individuals planting a tree for a loved one, to businesses planting a tree for every new employee, find the right way to make your impact.

Sponsor Nature Restoration
Whether a subscription or climate-positive gift, your contribution can protect and regenerate Ancient Woodland, Wetland Regeneration or Wildflower Meadows.