Plant a Tree

National Tree Week Quiz


National Tree Week is the UK’s largest annual tree celebration, running from Saturday the 25th November to 3rd December. Throughout the UK, organisations, community groups and individuals will be planting thousands of trees to mark the start of the winter tree planting season. We wanted to share a mini National Tree Week Quiz to test your knowledge! Jot down your answers and check how you did at the bottom of this post. Let’s get started…

Test Your Knowledge This National Tree Week…

1. What is the most common tree in the UK?

a) Willow

b) Oak

c) Horse chestnut

2. Which UK tree has the hardest wood, so strong that the Romans used it to build their chariots?

a) Oak

b) Hornbeam

c) Sycamore

3. In British folklore, which of the following trees is said to protect against witchcraft?

a) Yew

b) Elder

c) Rowan

4. Which tree’s Latin name comes from Celtic words meaning ‘near water’?

a) Birch (Betula)

b) Hawthorn (Crataegus)

c) Willow (Salix)

5. According to mythology, which tree’s flowers provided the green dye Robin Hood used to colour his clothes?

a) Alder

b) Field maple

c) Hazel

6. The wood of which tree was used by archers to construct longbows in the Middle Ages?

a) Hazel

b) Willow

c) Yew

7. Which ancient species of tree was believed to be the home of the Devil?

a) Monkey puzzle

b) Yew

c) Sweet chestnut

8. Which beloved UK tree species is currently under major threat due to disease?

a) Oak

b) Ash

c) Horse Chestnut

9. The oldest tree in the UK is thought to be The Fortingall Yew in Perthshire, Scotland. How old is it estimated to be?

a) 500 years

b) 1,000 years

c) 3,000 years

10. Which of the following amazing tree facts are true?

a) They talk to each other and look after each other through a network of underground fungi

b) They release substances called phytoncides which have been shown to boost our immune systems

c) Planting a single tree in a pasture could raise the number of bird species from near zero to 80

Join us in celebrating this National Tree Week, plant a tree or subscribe to plant a tree every month!

ANSWERS: 1. b, 2. b, 3. c, 4. c, 5. a, 6. c, 7. a, 8. b, 9. c, 10. a, b & c
