
David Carruth wins The Farm Woodland Young People’s Award at Scotland's Finest Woods Awards

We are thrilled to announce that our very own David Carruth has won The Farm Woodland Young People’s Award at Scotland's Finest Woods Awards 2023 for his work at The Future Forest Company’s Brodoclea site.

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Taking Action for a Climate-Positive Future With Our Carbon Projects

At The Future Forest Company, our carbon projects put nature first and provide certified UK Woodland and Peatland Carbon Code units, which are traceable, authentic and legally recognised.

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Pine Martens in the Forest

Pine martens are notoriously difficult to spot, which is why we were delighted to capture this image of one on our Dumyat site in central Scotland over Christmas! 

You can help protect pine martens and other important little creatures by restoring nature and safeguarding vital habitats. Learn more about our nature restoration sponsorship.

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The Art Of Ground Preparation

Here in the UK, tree planting season spans from December to April, our team are busy with ground preparations ahead of planting. A lot of background work needs to take place before the ground is ready for the new saplings to be planted. We want to ensure that every tree we plant has the best possible chance to thrive and become part of our nature-rich forests of the future.

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Celebrating World Bee Day with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust

This World Bee Day, we are proud to announce that The Future Forest Company is supporting the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. The Bumblebee Conservation Trust was established to create a world where bumblebees are thriving and valued, by increasing their number and distribution. Here at The Future Forest Company, we are delighted to be joining forces with them on this vital mission.

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Heathland and Sticky Catchfly Surveys at Dumyat with Lindsay Mackinlay, Head of Ecology

Our Head of Ecology, Lindsay Mackinlay has been at Dumyat conducting one of his regular biodiversity surveys, this time he is focusing on the heathland and rare Sticky Catchfly flower. Take a look…

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Discussing Natural Capital Markets with the Scottish public sector at Dumyat

The Future Forest Company (FFC)  team met up with the the public sector partnership working on private investment in natural capital in Scotland at our Dumyat site, beside Stirling.  The partnership Includes economic and environmental leads from across Scottish Government and the wider public sector including NatureScot, Highlands & Islands Enterprise and the Hutton Institute.. The focus of the day was to discuss natural capital market opportunities and challenges.

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