The Benefits of Peatland Restoration for Landowners

The Benefits of Peatland Restoration for Landowners

Published July 5, 2024

The forgotten landscape


It’s only in relatively recent times that we’ve begun to fully understand and appreciate the importance of peatlands and the amazing services they perform. These awesome, dramatic landscapes and their unique ecosystems fulfil many essential roles, and they need our protection. 

Historical damage caused by drainage for agriculture and forest planting has left only 20% of UK peatland in a natural or near-natural state. In order to avoid negative environmental and economic impacts, we need to change this. It is possible to restore degraded peatland, and we are on a mission to do just that. 




Here we look at just some of the good reasons to bring your peatland back to full health.



Flood and wildfire risk reduction


Peatland in its natural state can help mitigate flooding. Healthy peatland vegetation such as sphagnum moss holds large amounts of water, thereby slowing the flow of heavy rainfall and reducing the flood risk in local towns and villages. If there are eroded channels in the peatland, this can also contribute to increased flood risk. Water quality can be negatively affected as excess organic matter from degraded peatland is carried down into the water supply.

Drained peatlands are also at a far higher risk of wildfire, and can spread fires to neighbouring areas. Dried out surface layers of peat and the grassy vegetation that grows on it are extremely susceptible to wildfire. The most effective and sustainable way to address this risk is to return the site to fully functioning bog habitat.



Natural carbon storage


Healthy peatlands are amazing natural carbon stores. The UK’s peatlands store over three billion tonnes of carbon, around the same amount as all the forest in the UK, France and Germany put together. Sadly, however, degraded peatlands lose this amazing carbon storage ability and actually become net emitters of greenhouse gases.


Why restore your peatland with The Future Forest Company?


We offer a bespoke peatland restoration service for landowners who want to make a positive impact. Our projects are registered with the Peatland Code, which verifies the benefits of restoration, particularly carbon savings, via a stringent set of standards. 

Restoring peatland can be a source of income for landowners. Grants are available for peatland restoration work and when your project is registered with the Peatland Code, the emissions reductions made will be verified. This generates carbon credits, which can provide a potentially significant income.  

We offer carbon revenue realisation as part of our service. Our commercial team can successfully market your peatland restoration project to partner you with businesses that will buy your carbon units at the highest possible price, making the whole process transparent, smooth and trouble-free.

Get in touch with us today!


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